The auction catalogues
on the Internet.
This page is obsolete and
will no longer be updated.
Please visit the udated

The Internet version of a catalogue is rather big.
If you have a fast Internet connection it's no big deal.
Otherwise you should pay some attention to the
information given in the column at the right hand side.
Using bookmarks to navigate directly to your collecting favorites!
You will find the bookmark symbol on the upper left hand corner
of you pdf-reader.
We have bookmarked the major sections in the catalogues.

By using the search function you can navigate to any part of the catalogue containing the phrase you have typed in the upper
right hand corner in your pdf-reader.

International Auction # 82
in Oslo on Friday April 20. and
Saturday April 21. 2012.
International auction # 78
on April 23.- and 24. 2010.
International auction # 77
on November 20.- and 21.
International auction # 76
on April 24.- and 25.
International auction # 75
on November 28.- and 29.
International auction # 74on April 18.- and 19.
About the auction catalogues
in pdf-versions.

Auction # 77.

Auction # 75.

Auction # 75.
The pages are identical to those in the hardcopy versions of our catalogues.
The format is pdf - the Adobe format - which has grown to a world
wide standard for documents. In order to read the files, you must have the
program Adobe Reader
implemented on your PC or Mac. If you not yet have it, just click on the Adobe logo below and download it.
You find the link at the bottom on
the Adobe page, named:
"Get Adobe Reader"
It's for free. Good luck!

We will recommend you to download the files instead of opening them in your Internet browser.
Right click on the file and select "save" and "save target as" (do not select "open").
Browse your hard disk to select a suitable place to save it. Afterwards you can study the catalogue nice and
easy even after having closed your Internet connection.
The pdf-files features a lot of advantages. You can for instance search for special words and names,
or using bookmarks to directly access a preferred section, to mention some. Being a specialized collector is proving more easy!
Last update: December 10. 2014.
Kjell Germeten A/S. Webdesign: Kjell Germeten